There's value in values
We are so very excited as we recently underwent a process to revamp our values for The Winey Cow in (Main Street, Mornington) and The Winey Cow (just off Tedder Avenue in Main Beach).
We call it ‘the Winey way’ and it’s all about what makes us different and unique. In essence, it’s our vibe. Whether our team have been with us for ten years or are new to Winey, we want them to understand what that means, how we operate and what’s expected of them. Our industry has evolved, and so have your expectations. That’s why we’ve updated our core values to stay relevant and relatable. In addition, we are an award-winning brunch restaurant, and our values are the foundation of everything we do and guide all our decision making. We cannot maintain our standards without them!
We’d love to know what you think. If you’re interested in our DNA and want a window to our soul at Winey, please keep reading!
Introducing W.I.N.E.Y. – Welcoming, Innovative, Nourishing, Excellence and Yes, we can. We believe these values truly represent who we are to our core, and truly represent what we all stand for.
Firstly, let’s talk about being WELCOMING. We recently did a large customer survey and when we asked you what comes to mind when you think of The Winey Cow, the overwhelming response was ‘welcoming’. It was a delight to read and music to our ears. Our goal has always been to make you feel special and to make you feel like you are dining in a home away from home. The fact that the most common word written in your feedback was welcoming suggested we are doing something right. Our promise is to continue to make you feel this way whether you’re a customer, a supplier or a teammate / co-worker.
Next on the list is INNOVATIVE. Our industry is constantly changing, and we are always trying to stay ahead and keep up so we can adapt and be brave by leading from the front. We are always seeking out industry events, trade shows, supplier events and so on, to attend, to stay informed. We are looking for hospitality trends, new ingredients, and ideas. We pride ourselves on being curious and staying ahead of the game. Our passion leads us here and rather than just follow, we try to lead the way. We are also part of industry associations and mentoring groups to constantly challenge our thinking and hold ourselves accountable to innovation.
Our value NOURISHING holds a special place for us. It goes beyond the food we serve our customers and it’s more about nourishing your body AND your soul AND your connection with others. We believe in providing fresh, healthy, and tasty food for our customers, but it’s not just about what’s on your plate. We also want to create a safe and nurturing environment for you and our team where everyone feels secure to share ideas and have open and honest conversations with each other. As an employer we want a work environment that is safe and that nourishes our careers, our minds, and our development.
EXCELLENCE is non-negotiable for us. It’s not just about providing high-quality food and service – it’s more than that. It’s about having a great attitude at work and starting each day striving to be better than the day before. It’s about ensuring the wellbeing of everyone who walks through our doors, whether it’s accommodating allergies or making sure every aspect of our service meets the highest standards, we want to create an environment where you feel looked after and where our team feel productive and fulfilled.
Finally, it’s our mindset – YES, WE CAN. The world of hospitality is challenging particularly in tough economic times with increasing prices, tightening of purse strings and reduced spend. Maintaining a positive attitude and focusing on what we can control is key, not only in the good times but also the bad. A decade in business teaches you valuable lessons, particularly during times like Covid and lockdowns. This has helped us learn to shift our mindset towards problem-solving and prioritising how we use our energy wisely. ‘Yes, we can’ is more than a motto, it’s a mindset we live by. We face challenges head-on, coming out stronger on the other side, and never giving up.
Our values are the essence of who we are at The Winey Cow and reflect our spirit and culture in both our Mornington and Main Beach locations. We hope they resonate with you as well and next time you visit us take a moment to read our values that will be displayed in both venues for customers, staff and suppliers to view. Our values are also on our website with much more insight into who we are and where we are. Our website is